83 lines
2.5 KiB
Executable file
83 lines
2.5 KiB
Executable file
#!/usr/bin/env php
use EEPROM\Storage\StorageRecordGetFileField;
use Index\{UriBase64,XNumber};
require_once __DIR__ . '/../eeprom.php';
$options = getopt('hsuv:', [
], $restIndex);
if($argc <= $restIndex)
die(sprintf('No file ID specified.%s', PHP_EOL));
$fileId = $argv[$restIndex];
$fileField = StorageRecordGetFileField::Id;
$uploadId = null;
$isHash = isset($options['h']) || isset($options['hash']);
$isBase62 = isset($options['s']) || isset($options['base62']);
$isUploadId = isset($options['u']) || isset($options['upload']);
$variant = $options['variant'] ?? $options['v'] ?? '';
if($isHash) {
$fileId = match(strlen($fileId)) {
32 => $fileId,
43 => UriBase64::decode($fileId),
64 => hex2bin($fileId),
66 => hex2bin(substr($fileId, 2)),
default => null,
$fileField = StorageRecordGetFileField::Hash;
} else {
$fileId = XNumber::fromBase62($fileId);
if($isUploadId) {
$uploadId = $fileId;
$fileId = null;
try {
$variantInfo = $eeprom->uploadsCtx->uploads->getUploadVariant($uploadId, $variant);
} catch(RuntimeException $ex) {
$hint = $isBase62 ? 'trim last four characters from base62 id' : 'specify -s for base62 ids';
die(sprintf('The requested upload variant does not exist. (hint: %s)%s', $hint, PHP_EOL));
$fileId = $variantInfo->fileId;
if($fileId === null)
die(sprintf('Could not resolve file ID from the provided inputs.%s', PHP_EOL));
try {
$storageInfo = $eeprom->storageCtx->records->getFile($fileId, $fileField);
} catch(RuntimeException $ex) {
$hint = $isUploadId ? (
$isBase62 ? 'trim last four characters from base62 id' : 'specify -s for base62 ids'
) : 'specify -h for hashes or -u to use upload ids, with -v for variant selection';
die(sprintf('The requested file does not exist. (hint: %s)%s', $hint, PHP_EOL));
'Found file #%d of %d bytes with type %s at %s with SHA256 hash %s.%s',
try {
printf('Attempting to delete file...%s', PHP_EOL);
} catch(Exception $ex) {
printf('Exception occurred while deleting file:%s', PHP_EOL);
printf('%s%s', $ex->getMessage(), PHP_EOL);