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Source Code Repositories

Below are a number of links to source code repositories related to Flashii.net and its services.

Websites & Services

  • Misuzu: Backend of the main website.
  • Sharp Chat: Chat Server software.
  • Futami: Common data shared between the chat clients.
  • Mami: Web client for chat.
  • Ami: Web client for chat for older browsers.
  • EEPROM: Service for file uploading.
  • Uiharu: Service for looking up URL metadata.
  • Seria: Software used by the downloads tracker.
  • Mince: Source code for the Minecraft servers subwebsite.
  • Awaki: Redirect service hosted on fii.moe.
  • Aleister: Public API gateway.

Tools & Software

  • SoFii: Launcher for Soldier of Fortune 2
  • MCExts: Minecraft Client and Server extensions.
  • Backup Tools: Scripts that run every day at 12:00am UTC to back up any user generated content.

First-Party Libraries

  • Index: Base library used in almost any component of the website that uses PHP.
  • Aiwass: Internal RPC extension, mainly used to supply data to the API gateway.


  • AJAX Chat (fork): Old chat software (2013-2015). Still kept on life support for the nostalgia.
  • Hajime: Cleaned up source of an older version of the website (2014-2015).