2022-08-28 09:40:27 -04:00
#include "Graphics.h"
2022-08-18 12:17:43 -04:00
#include <ft2build.h>
#include FT_FREETYPE_H
2022-05-09 01:50:09 -04:00
2022-08-20 22:12:11 -04:00
#include <bx/math.h>
2022-05-09 01:50:09 -04:00
#include <iostream>
2022-08-27 03:04:39 -04:00
#include <optional>
2023-04-06 19:56:40 -04:00
#include <algorithm>
2022-05-09 01:50:09 -04:00
2022-08-22 02:15:25 -04:00
#include <stb_image.h>
2022-05-09 01:50:09 -04:00
namespace {
2022-08-27 03:04:39 -04:00
using namespace ADVect::Graphics;
2022-08-20 22:12:11 -04:00
2022-08-27 03:04:39 -04:00
bgfx::ShaderHandle loadShader(const std::string& FILENAME)
2022-08-20 22:12:11 -04:00
std::string shaderPath{};
switch (bgfx::getRendererType()) {
case bgfx::RendererType::Noop:
case bgfx::RendererType::Direct3D9: shaderPath = "shaders/dx9/"; break;
case bgfx::RendererType::Direct3D11:
case bgfx::RendererType::Direct3D12: shaderPath = "shaders/dx11/"; break;
case bgfx::RendererType::Gnm: shaderPath = "shaders/pssl/"; break;
case bgfx::RendererType::Metal: shaderPath = "shaders/metal/"; break;
case bgfx::RendererType::OpenGL: shaderPath = "shaders/glsl/"; break;
case bgfx::RendererType::OpenGLES: shaderPath = "shaders/essl/"; break;
case bgfx::RendererType::Vulkan: shaderPath = "shaders/spirv/"; break;
std::string filePath = shaderPath + FILENAME;
FILE* file = fopen(filePath.c_str(), "rb");
fseek(file, 0, SEEK_END);
long fileSize = ftell(file);
fseek(file, 0, SEEK_SET);
const bgfx::Memory* mem = bgfx::alloc(fileSize + 1);
fread(mem->data, 1, fileSize, file);
mem->data[mem->size - 1] = '\0';
return bgfx::createShader(mem);
2022-08-27 03:04:39 -04:00
struct PosUVVertex {
f32 x;
f32 y;
f32 z;
f32 u;
f32 v;
2022-08-20 22:12:11 -04:00
2022-08-27 03:04:39 -04:00
static PosUVVertex quad_vert[] =
{ 0.f, 0.f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f },
{ 0.f, 1.f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f },
{ 1.f, 0.f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f },
{ 1.f, 1.f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f }
2022-08-22 02:15:25 -04:00
2022-08-28 09:40:27 -04:00
static const u16 quad_indices[] =
2022-08-27 03:04:39 -04:00
0, 2, 1,
1, 2, 3
2022-05-09 01:50:09 -04:00
2022-08-27 03:04:39 -04:00
FT_Library library;
FT_Error error;
struct Font {
FT_Face face = nullptr;
2023-04-06 19:56:40 -04:00
std::unordered_map<NVL::Char, std::tuple<std::optional<bgfx::TextureHandle>, u32, u32, i32, i32, i32, i32>> cache{};
2022-08-27 03:04:39 -04:00
2023-04-06 19:56:40 -04:00
std::tuple<std::optional<bgfx::TextureHandle>, u32, u32, i32, i32, i32, i32>& get_char(NVL::Char c) {
if (cache.find(c) == cache.end()) {
FT_GlyphSlot slot = face->glyph;
2022-08-27 03:04:39 -04:00
2023-04-06 19:56:40 -04:00
error = FT_Load_Char(face, c, FT_LOAD_RENDER);
if (error) {
std::cerr << "ADV: Failed to load character" << std::endl;
2022-08-27 03:04:39 -04:00
2023-04-06 19:56:40 -04:00
if (slot->bitmap.width != 0) {
const bgfx::Memory* buf = bgfx::copy(slot->bitmap.buffer, slot->bitmap.pitch * slot->bitmap.rows);
cache.emplace(c, std::make_tuple(
else cache.emplace(c, std::make_tuple(
2022-08-27 03:04:39 -04:00
2023-04-06 19:56:40 -04:00
return cache[c];
2022-05-09 01:50:09 -04:00
2022-08-27 03:04:39 -04:00
2022-08-28 09:40:27 -04:00
std::optional<Font> get_font(const char* path) {
2022-08-27 03:04:39 -04:00
Font f;
2022-05-09 01:50:09 -04:00
2022-08-27 03:04:39 -04:00
error = FT_New_Face(library, path, 0, &f.face);
2022-05-09 01:50:09 -04:00
if (error == FT_Err_Unknown_File_Format) {
2022-08-22 02:15:25 -04:00
std::cerr << "ADV: FreeType Unknown_File_Format: " << error << std::endl;
2022-08-27 03:04:39 -04:00
return std::nullopt;
2022-05-09 01:50:09 -04:00
2022-08-18 12:17:43 -04:00
else if (error) {
2022-08-22 02:15:25 -04:00
std::cerr << "ADV: FreeType font loading error: " << error << std::endl;
2022-08-27 03:04:39 -04:00
return std::nullopt;
2022-05-09 01:50:09 -04:00
2022-08-27 03:04:39 -04:00
error = FT_Set_Char_Size(f.face, 0, 20 * 64, 72, 72);
if (error) {
2022-08-22 02:15:25 -04:00
std::cerr << "ADV: FreeType Set_Char_Size error: " << error << std::endl;
2022-08-27 03:04:39 -04:00
return std::nullopt;
2022-05-09 01:50:09 -04:00
2022-08-20 22:12:11 -04:00
2022-08-27 03:04:39 -04:00
return f;
void destroy_font(Font& f) {
for (auto it = f.cache.begin(); it != f.cache.end(); it++) {
2023-04-06 19:56:40 -04:00
if(auto& tx = std::get<0>(it->second))
2022-08-27 03:04:39 -04:00
inline bgfx::ProgramHandle load_shader_program(const std::string& shader) {
return bgfx::createProgram(loadShader(shader + ".vert.bin"), loadShader(shader + ".frag.bin"), true);
std::optional<ImageTexture> get_image_texture(const std::string& file) {
ImageTexture i;
2022-08-27 04:40:06 -04:00
i.buffer = stbi_load(file.c_str(), &i.w, &i.h, &i.channels, 0);
2022-08-27 03:04:39 -04:00
if (i.buffer == NULL) {
2022-08-28 09:40:27 -04:00
std::cerr << "ADV: STB IMAGE loading failed for " << file << std::endl;
2022-08-27 03:04:39 -04:00
return std::nullopt;
const bgfx::Memory* buf = bgfx::makeRef(i.buffer, i.w * i.h * i.channels * sizeof(u8));
i.tx = bgfx::createTexture2D(
2022-08-27 04:40:06 -04:00
i.channels == 4 ? bgfx::TextureFormat::RGBA8 : bgfx::TextureFormat::RGB8,
2022-08-27 03:04:39 -04:00
return i;
void destroy_image_texture(ImageTexture& i) {
Font regular, bold;
2022-08-28 09:40:27 -04:00
bgfx::ProgramHandle a_program, img_program, imga_program;
2022-08-27 03:04:39 -04:00
bgfx::UniformHandle s_texColor;
2022-08-28 09:40:27 -04:00
bgfx::UniformHandle imga_opacity;
2022-08-27 03:04:39 -04:00
bgfx::IndexBufferHandle ibh;
bgfx::VertexBufferHandle vbh;
bgfx::VertexLayout pcvDecl;
std::unordered_map<std::string, ImageTexture> imgs;
2022-08-30 05:37:45 -04:00
inline Font* ResolveStyleFlags(u32 style_flags) {
Font* f = ®ular;
switch (style_flags) {
case TEXT_NONE: break;
case TEXT_BOLD: f = &bold; break;
case TEXT_ITALIC: break;
case TEXT_ITALIC | TEXT_BOLD: break;
return f;
2023-04-06 19:56:40 -04:00
inline void HandleMarkupFlags(const NVL::Environment::MarkupSegment& s, u32& style_flags, const NVL::String*& ruby) {
for (const auto& e : s.efs) {
if (e.first == u"b") { style_flags |= TEXT_BOLD; }
else if (e.first == u"i") { style_flags |= TEXT_ITALIC; }
else if (e.first == u"u") { style_flags |= TEXT_UNDERLINE; }
else if (e.first == u"s") { style_flags |= TEXT_STRIKETHROUGH; }
else if (e.first == u"o") { style_flags |= TEXT_OVERLINE; }
else if (e.first == u"rb") { ruby = &e.second[0]; }
else {
std::cerr << "ADV: Unrecognized text markup: " << NVL::to_std_string(e.first) << std::endl;
2022-08-27 03:04:39 -04:00
namespace ADVect::Graphics {
bool Init(u16 width, u16 height) {
error = FT_Init_FreeType(&library);
if (error) {
std::cerr << "ADV: FreeType init error: " << error << std::endl;
return false;
2022-08-28 09:40:27 -04:00
if (auto f = get_font("SourceHanSerif-Regular.ttc")) regular = *f; else return false;
if (auto f = get_font("SourceHanSerif-Heavy.ttc")) bold = *f; else return false;
2022-08-20 22:12:11 -04:00
.add(bgfx::Attrib::Position, 3, bgfx::AttribType::Float)
.add(bgfx::Attrib::TexCoord0, 2, bgfx::AttribType::Float)
ibh = bgfx::createIndexBuffer(bgfx::makeRef(quad_indices, sizeof(quad_indices)));
vbh = bgfx::createVertexBuffer(bgfx::makeRef(quad_vert, sizeof(quad_vert)), pcvDecl);
2022-08-28 09:40:27 -04:00
img_program = load_shader_program("test"); // RGBA
imga_program = load_shader_program("ImageAlpha"); // RGBA + Opacity
a_program = load_shader_program("AlphaStencil"); // A -> FFFA
2022-08-20 22:12:11 -04:00
2022-08-28 09:40:27 -04:00
imga_opacity = bgfx::createUniform("f_opacity", bgfx::UniformType::Vec4); // x -> alpha, yzw are dummies
2022-08-20 22:12:11 -04:00
s_texColor = bgfx::createUniform("s_texColor", bgfx::UniformType::Sampler);
2022-08-22 02:15:25 -04:00
2022-08-27 03:04:39 -04:00
return true;
2022-05-09 01:50:09 -04:00
2022-08-21 16:24:13 -04:00
void Shutdown() {
2022-08-27 03:04:39 -04:00
2022-05-09 01:50:09 -04:00
2022-08-18 12:17:43 -04:00
2022-08-27 03:04:39 -04:00
for (auto it = imgs.begin(); it != imgs.end(); it++) {
2022-08-20 22:12:11 -04:00
2022-08-22 02:15:25 -04:00
2022-08-28 09:40:27 -04:00
2022-08-27 03:04:39 -04:00
2022-08-20 22:12:11 -04:00
2022-08-27 03:04:39 -04:00
2022-08-20 22:12:11 -04:00
2022-08-28 09:40:27 -04:00
2022-08-22 02:15:25 -04:00
// Draws quad with texture on Z = 0
2022-08-27 03:04:39 -04:00
void DrawTexture(const bgfx::TextureHandle& tex, i32 pos_x, i32 pos_y, u32 w, u32 h, u64 state, const bgfx::ProgramHandle& pg) {
2022-08-28 09:40:27 -04:00
f32 mtx1[16], mtx2[16], mtx3[16];
2022-08-22 02:15:25 -04:00
bx::mtxTranslate(mtx1, pos_x, pos_y, 0.0f);
bx::mtxScale(mtx2, w, h, 1.0f);
bx::mtxMul(mtx3, mtx2, mtx1);
bgfx::setVertexBuffer(0, vbh);
bgfx::setTexture(0, s_texColor, tex);
2022-08-27 03:04:39 -04:00
bgfx::submit(0, pg);
2022-08-22 02:15:25 -04:00
2022-08-27 03:04:39 -04:00
void DrawTextureImage(const bgfx::TextureHandle& tex, i32 pos_x, i32 pos_y, u32 w, u32 h) {
2022-08-27 04:40:06 -04:00
DrawTexture(tex, pos_x, pos_y, w, h, (BGFX_STATE_DEFAULT | BGFX_STATE_BLEND_ALPHA) & ~(BGFX_STATE_WRITE_Z | BGFX_STATE_DEPTH_TEST_LESS), img_program);
2022-08-27 03:04:39 -04:00
2022-08-22 02:15:25 -04:00
2022-08-27 03:04:39 -04:00
void DrawTextureImage(const ImageTexture& img, i32 pos_x, i32 pos_y) {
DrawTextureImage(img.tx, pos_x, pos_y, img.w, img.h);
2022-08-22 02:15:25 -04:00
2022-08-28 09:40:27 -04:00
void DrawTextureImageAlpha(const ImageTexture& img, i32 pos_x, i32 pos_y, f32 alpha) {
f32 pack[4]{};
pack[0] = alpha;
bgfx::setUniform(imga_opacity, pack);
DrawTexture(img.tx, pos_x, pos_y, img.w, img.h, (BGFX_STATE_DEFAULT | BGFX_STATE_BLEND_ALPHA) & ~(BGFX_STATE_WRITE_Z | BGFX_STATE_DEPTH_TEST_LESS), imga_program);
2022-08-27 03:04:39 -04:00
ImageTexture* GetImageTextureFromFile(const std::string& file) {
if (imgs.find(file) == imgs.end()) {
if (auto i = get_image_texture(file)) {
2022-08-28 20:54:30 -04:00
imgs[file] = std::move(*i);
2022-08-27 03:04:39 -04:00
return &imgs[file];
2022-08-28 20:54:30 -04:00
else return nullptr;
2022-08-27 03:04:39 -04:00
2022-08-28 20:54:30 -04:00
return &imgs[file];
2022-08-27 03:04:39 -04:00
2022-08-22 02:15:25 -04:00
2022-08-27 03:04:39 -04:00
void DrawTextureStencilAlpha(const bgfx::TextureHandle& tex, i32 pos_x, i32 pos_y, u32 w, u32 h) {
DrawTexture(tex, pos_x, pos_y, w, h, (BGFX_STATE_DEFAULT | BGFX_STATE_BLEND_ALPHA) & ~(BGFX_STATE_WRITE_Z | BGFX_STATE_DEPTH_TEST_LESS), a_program);
2022-08-20 22:12:11 -04:00
2023-04-06 19:56:40 -04:00
template <bool DoRender, bool Walk>
void RenderGlyph(NVL::Char c, std::conditional_t<Walk, i32&, i32> pos_x, std::conditional_t<Walk, i32&, i32> pos_y, u32 col, u32 style_flags = TEXT_NONE) {
2022-08-30 05:37:45 -04:00
Font* f = ResolveStyleFlags(style_flags);
2022-08-22 02:15:25 -04:00
2023-04-06 19:56:40 -04:00
auto& [tx, w, h, l, t, x, y] = f->get_char(c);
2022-08-18 12:17:43 -04:00
2023-04-06 19:56:40 -04:00
pos_x += l;
2022-08-20 22:12:11 -04:00
2023-04-06 19:56:40 -04:00
if (auto& buf = tx; DoRender && tx && w != 0) {
DrawTextureStencilAlpha(*buf, pos_x, pos_y - (h - t), w, h);
2022-05-09 01:50:09 -04:00
2022-08-21 16:24:13 -04:00
2023-04-06 19:56:40 -04:00
pos_x += x >> 6;
pos_y += y >> 6;
2022-08-30 05:37:45 -04:00
2023-04-06 19:56:40 -04:00
template <bool DoRender, bool Walk>
void RenderString(const NVL::String& s, std::conditional_t<Walk, i32&, i32> pos_x, std::conditional_t<Walk, i32&, i32> pos_y, u32 col, u32 style_flags = TEXT_NONE) {
2022-08-30 05:37:45 -04:00
for (const auto& c : s) {
2023-04-06 19:56:40 -04:00
RenderGlyph<DoRender>(c, pos_x, pos_y, col, style_flags);
template <bool DoRender, bool Walk>
void RenderString(NVL::String::const_iterator cbegin, NVL::String::const_iterator cend, std::conditional_t<Walk, i32&, i32> pos_x, std::conditional_t<Walk, i32&, i32> pos_y, u32 col, u32 style_flags = TEXT_NONE) {
while (cbegin < cend) {
RenderGlyph<DoRender>(*cbegin++, pos_x, pos_y, col, style_flags);
2022-08-30 05:37:45 -04:00
2023-04-06 19:56:40 -04:00
void RenderStringCentered(const NVL::String& s, i32 pos_x, i32 pos_y, u32 col, u32 style_flags = TEXT_NONE) {
i32 copy_x = 0, copy_y = 0;
RenderString<false, true>(s, copy_x, copy_y, col, style_flags);
RenderString<true, false>(s, pos_x - copy_x / 2, pos_y, col, style_flags);
2022-08-30 05:37:45 -04:00
2023-04-06 19:56:40 -04:00
// I cannot reason this function, returns where the string would end if it was not halted
i32 RenderSubstringBox(const NVL::String& s, i32& pos_x, i32& pos_y, i32 reset_x, u32 w, u32 col, u32 style_flags, size_t s_end) {
2022-08-30 05:37:45 -04:00
Font* f = ResolveStyleFlags(style_flags);
2023-04-06 19:56:40 -04:00
NVL::String::const_iterator last = s.cbegin(), end = s.cend(), pos = std::find(last, end, u' '),
halt = s_end > s.length() ? end : last + s_end;
if (pos == end) { // Render the entire thing with hard break if we don't split at all
NVL::String::const_iterator last_copy = last;
i32 copy_x = pos_x, copy_y = pos_y;
while (last != std::min(pos, halt)) {
RenderGlyph(*last++, pos_x, pos_y, col, style_flags);
if (pos_x - reset_x > w) {
pos_x = reset_x;
2022-08-30 05:37:45 -04:00
pos_y -= f->face->size->metrics.height / 64;
2023-04-06 19:56:40 -04:00
if (last >= halt) {
RenderString<false>(last_copy, pos, copy_x, copy_y, col, style_flags);
return copy_x;
2022-08-30 05:37:45 -04:00
2023-04-06 19:56:40 -04:00
else while (last != end) { // Loop through all segments
i32 copy_x = pos_x, old_x = pos_x, copy_y = pos_y;
RenderString<false>(last, pos, copy_x, copy_y, col, style_flags);
if (copy_x - reset_x > w) { // if walk exceeded max w
copy_x = reset_x, copy_y = pos_y; // try walk again from leftmost of box, see if a soft break works; reset y from last walk
RenderString<false>(last, pos, copy_x, copy_y, col, style_flags);
if (copy_x - reset_x > w) { // soft break won't work, go back to old x and hard break
pos_x = old_x;
while (last != pos) {
RenderGlyph(*last++, pos_x, pos_y, col, style_flags);
if (pos_x - reset_x > w) {
pos_x = reset_x;
pos_y -= f->face->size->metrics.height / 64;
if (last >= halt) return copy_x;
else { // soft break and kill beginning space
pos_x = reset_x;
pos_y -= f->face->size->metrics.height / 64;
RenderString(last, std::min(pos, halt), pos_x, pos_y, col, style_flags);
if (last >= halt) return copy_x;
2022-08-22 02:15:25 -04:00
2022-08-21 16:24:13 -04:00
2023-04-06 19:56:40 -04:00
else {
RenderString(last, std::min(pos, halt), pos_x, pos_y, col, style_flags);
if (last >= halt) return copy_x;
2022-08-30 05:37:45 -04:00
2023-04-06 19:56:40 -04:00
last = pos;
if (pos != end)
pos = std::find(std::next(pos), end, u' ');
2022-08-30 05:37:45 -04:00
2023-04-06 19:56:40 -04:00
return pos_x;
2022-08-30 05:37:45 -04:00
2023-04-06 19:56:40 -04:00
void RenderSubstringMarkupBox(const NVL::Environment::MarkupString& ms, i32 pos_x, i32 pos_y, u32 w, u32 col, size_t end) {
i32 init_x = pos_x;
size_t acc_length = 0;
2022-08-30 05:37:45 -04:00
// We assume markups are already sorted
for (const NVL::Environment::MarkupSegment& s : ms.segments) {
u32 style_flags = TEXT_NONE;
const NVL::String* ruby = nullptr;
2023-04-06 19:56:40 -04:00
HandleMarkupFlags(s, style_flags, ruby);
2022-08-30 05:37:45 -04:00
2023-04-06 19:56:40 -04:00
i32 last_x = pos_x,
segment_end = RenderSubstringBox(s.str, pos_x, pos_y, init_x, w, col, style_flags, end - acc_length);
2022-08-30 05:37:45 -04:00
2023-04-06 19:56:40 -04:00
if (ruby != nullptr && segment_end != last_x) {
RenderStringCentered(*ruby, segment_end / 2 + last_x / 2, i32(pos_y + 20), col);
2022-08-21 16:24:13 -04:00
2023-04-06 19:56:40 -04:00
acc_length += s.str.length();
if (acc_length > end) return;
2022-08-21 16:24:13 -04:00
2022-08-22 02:15:25 -04:00
2022-08-30 05:37:45 -04:00
2022-08-22 02:15:25 -04:00