2023-08-12 00:16:32 +02:00

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Frequently Asked Questions

Reminder to self
Rewrite this

Would've been better if I called this the Flashii Users Manual but that's ok.

FAQ Sections

Profile Editing

Entering the User Control Panel

If you are a registered user all your settings are stored in the database. To alter them click on the "Settings" button (as displayed in the image) below.

Settings Button

Changing your Profile fields

Once you're in the UCP you'll be presented with this screen;

Settings Button

Here you can change the details displayed on your profile, when logged out a user can't view these fields on your profile.

Website Profile Field

This one should be pretty self explanatory;

Website field

Once you've done that hit submit and your profile should now display a link to your website!

murasaki's profile with website link

Skype Profile Field

Hardest field of them all, just enter your Skype username...

Website field

Once you've done that hit submit and your profile should now display a link to your website!

murasaki's profile with website link

Youtube Profile Field

There's two ways to link to your channel, using your channel ID or your username.

** Example Channel ID **

Channel ID

** Example Username **


(The selected text is what you should enter in the Youtube field)

** Example Filled in Youtube field with Username **


** Example Filled in Youtube field with Channel ID **

Channel ID

Once you've done that hit submit and your profile should now display a link to your channel!

murasaki's profile with youtube link